welcome. everything I write here is something I felt to be important to some degree; game reviews, life updates/vents, and philosophical musings. I do my best to make my statements truthful. everyone is welcome to post comments, provided they are relevant.


renting is always a good idea

so I rented Need for Speed Most Wanted and Dead Rising for the Xbox360.

NFSMW is just awesome. some story: you're a street racer (which is pretty much illegal) trying to make it into the big-boy's club of "blacklist" racers. when you go to take on #15, "something happens" and you lose your ride to him. that guy then uses your ride to get the #1 spot, and you're left with just enough cash for a starter car. it's up to you to work yourself up to race the bastard what took your ride, and show him what's what. brad tells me that i'm going to want NFS Carbon when that comes out, but we'll have to see. Pursuits in this game are really fun. The cops have a variety of take-down tactics to keep you on your toes, such as sending a pair of SUVs to ram you head-on. Of course, your car doesn't seem to take any damage (not including spike strips), and the cops only go after you and not the other racers. it's really fun.

Dead Rising is certainly its own kind of fun. a mall full of zombies and just a few survivors, some of which seem to be totally off their rocker. I'm having some trouble trying to get everything on my first run, which might not be the best idea, since I'm pretty sure you keep your character level after you play through. you gain levels by killing vast quantities of zombies, taking interesting photos, escourting people to the security room and completing your investigations into wtf is going on. quite a fun game, an action/adventure for the zombie-hunter in you.

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