welcome. everything I write here is something I felt to be important to some degree; game reviews, life updates/vents, and philosophical musings. I do my best to make my statements truthful. everyone is welcome to post comments, provided they are relevant.


I like burning money. unfortunately, burning money implies that I have time, and if it's not spent cleaning my room, I get in shit.

I'm starting to feel giddy from the praise I'm receiving from people that were on the Dr. Muto team. well, it's only three people, but when one of them was the PRODUCER, you start feeling important. he's actually going to send me "something", and I'm pretty confident it's neither explosive or infectious.

occasionally I keep track of my game collection using IGN. Xenosaga would be better if there weren't so many pauses between sentences, or if it were a bit quicker overall. you know, make it MORE like an anime. I'm liking .hack//infection too, very mysterious; a game about playing a game with really nasty bugs and lethal consequences. State of Emergency (read: anarchy in the guise of freedom fighting) is fun. Haven is a good game, but then it ends... Enter the Matrix is NOT as good as it should have been graphics-wise, and the story is mildly interesting. save some money and stick to the movies, unless you feel like getting EtM anyway.

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