welcome. everything I write here is something I felt to be important to some degree; game reviews, life updates/vents, and philosophical musings. I do my best to make my statements truthful. everyone is welcome to post comments, provided they are relevant.



i didn't make the cut. but I wasn't outright refused. I just need more real game design background.

and on top of that, one of my friends actually suggested I quit my job because HE didn't like it. and he isn't even in the same job. he says the tech support place (read: idiot help line) he works for is still hiring, because of an increase of call volume. I would ask what they would do with a decrease of call volume. That said, i would ask if he thinks he'd still have a job then. Furthermore, I don't see much room for advancement, or flexibility of working environment.

why aren't I saying this to his face? because I just thought of it. And, he'll probably spout some more shit to try to get me to change jobs. I LIKE MY JOB. that said, Shut The Fuck Up.

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