when City of Heroes came out, i was somewhat intrigued. when I asked my friends if they were also intrigued they replied with a "not so much" or something similar. Now that City of Villains has reared itself from the depths, I am doubly intrigued. also, the "collector's edition" was the same price as the standard edition. and it's a whole 5¢ cheaper per month than World of Warcraft. speaking of which, it's been losing it's grip on me lately for whatever reason; guild falling apart, servers falling apart, computer crying every time i step into Orgrimmar... whatever.
I bought The Minish Cap today. the rental was 2 days late...
I still need to register for some more of that thing, uh, what's it called? edikayshin? something like that... and I'm seeing a diet coach or something this afternoon.
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