welcome. everything I write here is something I felt to be important to some degree; game reviews, life updates/vents, and philosophical musings. I do my best to make my statements truthful. everyone is welcome to post comments, provided they are relevant.



I am trashing giving away selling my stack of impulse comics. for about $.75 per comic, i figure that's fair if they're not well kept and obviously read at least once though probably several times. specials for about $1.25 i guess... and if you think i should sell them for less a different price, i'm all ears. especially if you're buying.

Bart Saves the Universe
Impulse & The Atom, Double Shot
Impulse plus+, Gross-Out
Impulse Annual #2, Weird Western Tales
Impulse Annual #1, Legends of the Dead Earth

Impulse regular issues
1-2, 4, 6-8, 11-35, 39-44, 46-53

so that's 6 special issues, and 45 regular issues

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