welcome. everything I write here is something I felt to be important to some degree; game reviews, life updates/vents, and philosophical musings. I do my best to make my statements truthful. everyone is welcome to post comments, provided they are relevant.


you = ?

have you ever gone into deep thought trying to define yourself? How do others define you? how do you want to be defined? I think this can be done on 3 levels, and these levels should be considered separately, though it is important to remember that they are all connected and are essentially the same thing

the body
the mind
the soul/spirit/whatever

the body is what most people will see first, and it is the means with which we interact with the world. The mind stores all the knowledge we have accumulated, controls the body, and lets us understand the world. the soul/spirit/whatever has not been defined by modern scientific means as a metaphysical entity (as far as I know), but for the purpose of defining a person, it is the part of us that understands, wether it be emotions, rocket science.

now, if there's going to be any arguements fueled by this post, it's going to be about the soul. I personally don't care if you think the soul is or isn't a metaphysical entity. As for the separation of mind and soul, what's important is that you understand that there is a difference between "smarts" and "personality."

these three parts are developed and maintained separately, and mistreating any of them will have detrimental effects on the person. Injury to one of these levels can cause damage to the entire person, depending on the nature of the injury, and treatment should also be considered for each level of the person.

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