welcome. everything I write here is something I felt to be important to some degree; game reviews, life updates/vents, and philosophical musings. I do my best to make my statements truthful. everyone is welcome to post comments, provided they are relevant.


Okami and NFS Carbon

So i swapped the last two games for these... they're due back today as a swap, but I'll hold them a bit longer...

WOW, this game rocks. Not only is the gameplay right up my alley, but the visual style is truly unique for a video game, and well done to boot. Load times are a bit of a bother, but i hear there's a secret to getting more loot involving the loading screen. I MUST HAVE IT.

NFS Carbon
The latest incarnation of Need for Speed starts with a bit of continuity involving the cop with the hot ride. there's a LOT more customization options for making your dream car, but the tire screeching is loud and unchangeable. Once again, it's always night time. You need a 'crew' to compete and control 'territory' and earn 'respect,' so you'll have a helper for most of the races... if they can keep up with you anyway. Could be fun if you turn down the car sound and up the music, but I want to finish NFSMW first.

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